kizomba gala challenge
A unique event in an exceptional place
The promotion of dance through: 4 days of festival, a Gala evening, and the only dance competition for schools in choreographic training in the world.
welcome to the kizomba gala challenge
The Kizomba Gala Challenge is a dance festival organized by the Kin Dancers, which takes place the second weekend of June each year in one of the largest performance venue in Nantes. As its name suggests, it revolves around 3 main themes:
1 KIZOMBA : 4 days of learning KIZOMBA dances (including ghetto zouk, tarraxa, tarraxo, urbankiz, kizomba fusion), SEMBA, AFRO DANCE, with parties, socials, entertainment and many other surprises, all accompanied by a selection of the best performing artists.
2 Gala : On Saturday, there is an exceptional stage from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., where you will be able to enjoy a dinner concert around a table in a friendly atmosphere.
3 Challenge : Following the passage of the different schools, a deliberation of the jury will take place under the supervision of a bailiff, before the presentation of the medals, trophies and bonuses.
The Challenge is an international dance competition in choreographic training dedicated to the teams and schools of KIZOMBA, SEMBA and AFRO DANCE. The objective of this competition is to bring together teams / schools from all over the world, in order to present their work during a dance season, to allow dancers to challenge themselves. A personal challenge that will give you another vision of this beautiful dance.
Find all the information about the challenge in the COMPETITION RULES tab.

On the way to the 5th edition with as always a lot of surprises : The Gold Edition

Amazing location for your entertainment
Get your tickets
The Challenge is an international dance competition in choreographic training dedicated to the teams and schools of KIZOMBA, SEMBA and AFRO DANCE. The objective of this competition is to bring together teams / schools from all over the world, in order to present their work during a dance season, to allow dancers to challenge themselves. A personal challenge that will give you another vision of this beautiful dance.
The participation fee for the competition is 50 euros per student giving access to the entire event (courses, parties, socials, pre-party, entertainment, etc.). These fees will be collected by the teacher/team leader and sent to the organization via Weezevent, bank transfer, check or PayPal with the complete list of participants.
Challenger students
- The challengers who participate in the challenge have access to the entire event (classes, parties, socials, pre-party, entertainment, etc.)
- The challengers have an exceptional opportunity to perform on a prestigious stage
Teachers/team leaders
- Teachers/team leaders will have the opportunity to give an hour of lessons during the festival if they wish
- Support for accommodation and nutrition from Friday evening to Sunday
- A bonus of 1000€ to be shared between the first 3 schools (500€ - 300€ - 200€)
These rules are intended for teachers/team leaders wishing to present their challengers to this competition. They are responsible for explaining the content of the latterstudents.
- The group choreographic dance is a synchronized and creative artistic performance performed by several dancers in harmony with a chosen soundtrack, aimed at conveying emotions and captivating the public during the competition evaluated by a jury
- Dances involving roles of leader and follower, traditionally require a dancer as a leader and a dancer as a follower to perform the sequences. However, in the spirit of inclusivity and diversity, this rule allows two people of the same gender to dance together in the roles of leader and follower.
- The soundtrack must last between 3 minutes minimum and 4 minutes maximum.
- In the soundtrack, the following styles must be found : kizomba (including ghetto zouk, tarraxa, tarraxo, urbankiz, kizomba fusion), semba and afro dance
- The sequence order of each dance style in the soundtrack is free for each team
- The duration of each dance style in the soundtrack must be at least one minute (continuous or discontinuous)
- A non-mandatory maximum minute can be used for creative parts
- The soundtrack should be sent to
- During the passage of a school/team, the teachers/team leaders do not have the right to intervene in the choreography, under risk of disqualification
- Each group has the possibility of broadcasting an image or video in the background on a projector during their visit
The outfits must create a form specific to the character of the dance :
- The group must have an overall or harmonious outfit in line with what the dancers want to present
- Decency is always required regarding outfits and make-up
- Any sign of belonging (religious, political, etc.) is not permitted on stage
- For the safety of the dancers,
o Do not wear clothes or jewelry that pose a danger to the dancers
o Non-costume accessories are prohibited
The assessment of each judge will be based on the evaluation criteria below:
Timing and Interpretation of the different elements of the music (instruments, lyrics), by different dance elements (shines, turns, tricks, acrobatics, etc…
Style, diversity of movements, synchronization between the participants, originality, artistic proposal, harmony of the choreography with the music, movements, difficulty, connection between dancers/audience and space management
General presentation (aesthetics, hairstyle, costume, make-up) / charisma and stage presence in connection with the proposed choreography
- The decisions and scores of the jury will be final and without appeal after control and validation by the bailiff
- Is prohibited on the part of participants, teachers and supporters, any form of disrespect towards the members of the jury, the organization and the public in general
- The mere fact of participating in the competition entails the pure and simple acceptance of these rules and the arbitration of the jury
- Any breach of the aforementioned rules may result in disqualification
- In the event of a tie between two schools, the jury will have to consult in order to decide between them
- The jury must leave its score sheets with the bailiff at the end of the competition
For more information, please contact:
Tel -
competition rules
Kizomba Gala Challenge Regulations : The International Group Choreography Competition for Kizomba
1.Participation Conditions
1.1. Categories : The competition is open to dance groups or schools in two categories:
– Kizomba-Semba Category
– Urbankiz Category
1.2. Participants : Each group must consist of at least 6 dancers. Participants must register before April 30. Choreographers who created the routine are allowed to participate and perform alongside the other group members.
1.3. Age : Participants must be at least 18 years old.
1.4. Registration : Groups must register online via Weezevent or Paypal, with a registration fee of €50 per dancer. It is not allowed to register for both categories at the same time.
1.5. Commitment : By registering, participants agree to the terms of these regulations and commit to respecting them.
- A prize of €500 will be awarded to the top group in each category.
- Group leaders or teachers have the opportunity to give a one-hour class during the festival if they wish.
- All participants will receive a full pass.
The Kizomba Gala Challenge Festival takes place from June 06th to June 10th 2024 in one of the largest party halls in Nantes called La Carrière. Nestled in the heart of a green setting, La Carrière offers a range of modern and fully adaptable rooms, depending on the size of the event and the desired atmosphere. In this realm of stone and water, conducive to creation and the emergence of ideas, La Carrière has been hosting professional and cultural events of various styles and horizons for 20 years.
MAIN HOTEL : Hotel AKENA (3 rue Victor Schoelcher - 44800 Saint Herblain)
More offers on Weezevent
Preparty offered if 4 nights booked !
Shuttles between the event and the partner hotel will be set up free of charge